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Early Invite...Life Changing Opportunity!

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Dear Networker,

Every once in a while, a company comes along that everyone, and I mean, EVERYONE joins.

Early registrations will start, with launch on May 1st.

The company is called Nelo Life. I will highlight a few things about the company below but to really see how big this launch will be and what it can do for you financially, I would like to invite you to the Nelo Life Company Event:

We are inviting you to an exciting new traveling venture laced with trading and e-commerce. This will be a new movement that you must be involved in. The beginning of something new that will shake the marketplace and change lives globally. We are international and will partner with great people around the world that are looking for a real change!!

In this industry, fortunes are made by those who first recognize an opportunity AND who then take massive action before anyone else. What you do in the next 30 days could set you up for life!

First STEP: Join our Pre-Launch Builder Team:

Second STEP: Start sharing your own link with everyone you know. We are building this to last decades and give you the residual income you're looking for.

We know this company will be the biggest community build in a decade.

Let’s Go!

Edy Telfort